An annual report and data visualization exploration of my runs in 2015.
Despite my best efforts, I couldn't keep a consistent running schedule for 2015. However, completing an average of over one run per week was a vast improvement over 2014.
The number of miles ran each month was proportional with the number of runs completed. The only exception was June in which I ran my first half marathon with a few longer runs before to build my endurance.
Knowing that my main route was relatively flat I was curious to see how my elevation gain compared to a known peak. In this case it was almost half of Mount Hood's elevation.
I took an interest in running in 2014 and ran my first race that year. I didn't make myself promises for 2015 but tried to run more overall and have fun at it.
I tracked all my activities using the Strava app. I also wrote a quick Python script to export and format the data for easy manipulation and visualization. All the visualizations were built using D3.js with a little help from Angular.js. The rest is just good old HTML and CSS.